Tag: freedom of expression


Age verification: Where do things stand?

After the Digital Economy Act passed in July 2017, implementation of age verification has been repeatedly delayed. We were initially told it would start being enforced in April 2018, but it was put back till the end of 2018. In November the Minister for Digital, Margot James, claimed that it will come into effect by […]


Backlash response to the BBFC age verification consultation

Dear Sir/Madam, I am responding to this BBFC consultation on the Digital Economy Act 2017 and the proposed Age Verification (AV) regime : – http://www.bbfc.co.uk/about-bbfc/dea-consultation Introduction. Before responding to the questions posed in the consultation I want to stress four points: – 1. Opposition to AV: This regime is not […]


House of Lords briefing on the Digital Economy Bill

Digital Economy Bill Briefing on Section 3: Age verification for online pornography The age verification section of the Digital Economy Bill proposes a technological response to a complex social issue. The policy raises serious concerns regarding loss of personal privacy; increased risk of credit card fraud and identity theft; increased […]